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送花祝福語| 如何寫鮮花禮物的心意卡留言

送花祝福語| 如何寫鮮花禮物的心意卡留言

posted: 2019-04-26 17:40:00 +0800




  • Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.
  • 送給你治愈的關心和一點陽光來照亮你的一天
  • I/We know you’re in good hands, just don’t get too comfy! Feel better soon!
  • 我/我們知道你得到了很好的照顧,只是不要太過舒服啦!快點好起來!
  • Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery.
  • 衷心祝願早日康復
  • Hope your recovery is a speedy one. We miss you!
  • 祝你早日康復,我們想念你!



  • Please accept these flowers and hear the words we are not able to speak.
  • 請收下這些花,聽聽我們沒法說出口的話
  • Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. From all your friends at [business name]
  • 我們向你和你的家人致以最深切的慰問。來自「商業名稱」的所有朋友。
  • [Name] will always be remembered and cherished in our hearts and memories.
  • 「姓名」將永遠銘記在我們的心中和記憶中。
  • My/Our deepest sympathies during your time of loss. Please know that I/we are here for you.
  • 我/我們對於你所失去的一切深表同情,請知道我/我們是為你而來的。
  • You are in my/our thoughts and prayers during this time of grief. My/Our condolences.
  • 在這個悲痛的時刻,我/我們想念你,為你祈禱。我/們的哀悼。
  • “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.”
  • 愛不會死去,因為愛是不朽的。
  • Thinking of you during this difficult time.
  • 在這艱難的時刻,我想念你。
  • [Name] will always be in our hearts and memories. With sympathy, The [your last name] Family
  • 「名字」將永遠留在我們的心中和記憶中。深表同情,「你的家族」




  • Our relationship is far more special and beautiful than any flower could be. I love you.
  • 我們的愛情比任何一朵鮮花都要特別和美麗,我愛你。
  • I love you for not only who you are but also for who I am when I am with you. Happy Anniversary.
  • 我愛你,不僅因為你是一個怎樣的人,也因為我喜歡和你在一起的感覺,結婚週年快樂。
  • To my [wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend], my soul mate, my love, my life.
  • 致我的「妻子/丈夫/女朋友/男朋友」,我的靈魂伴侶,我的摯愛,我的生命。
  • I wish there were more ways to say all that you are to me. Love always.
  • 我希望有更多的方式來表達你於我而言是全部,永遠愛你。
  • Here’s to another year tending to the garden of our love!
  • 願我們的愛情花園又迎來新的一年!


新屋入伙?新生寶寶滿月?精彩的演出?還有像訂婚,退休,婚禮,畢業或新工作? 都用鮮花來慶祝吧!

  • You are a one-of-a-kind person and you are about to change the world. Congrats Grad!
  • 你是一個獨一無二的人,你即將改變這個世界。恭喜畢業!
  • May your new home be filled with laughter, love, and flowers!
  • 願你的新家充滿歡樂、愛和鮮花!
  • Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
  • 恭喜你喜得貴子!
  • There's no place like home! Congratulations.
  • 龍床不如狗竇!恭喜!
  • May happiness & love move in with you.
  • 愿快樂與愛情伴你左右。
  • Congratulations and best wishes for a successful future.
  • 恭喜你!願你的前途一片光景!
  • Congratulations, and enjoy the years together!
  • 祝賀你們!一起享受往後的美好歲月!
  • May you enjoy a long and wonderful retirement!
  • 願您享受一個漫長而美好的退休生活!



  • How can I begin to say I'm sorry? I didn't mean to upset you. I hope that you can forgive me.
  • 我不知道該如何向你講對不起,我不是有意讓你不安,我希望你能原諒我。
  • I would hate for our friendship to be lost. Please forgive me?
  • 我不願失去我們的友誼,請原諒我好嗎?
  • I hate fighting, and I'm sorry for my part of this one! Please forgive me?
  • 我討厭爭吵,我為我所犯的過錯感到抱歉,請原諒我好嗎?
  • Please accept these flowers in place of the words I said. I'm truly sorry.
  • 請收下這些代替我來講致歉話語的鮮花,我真的很抱歉。



  • Please accept my flowers as a small token of my appreciation. Thank you.
  • 請收下作為代表我一點小小心意的鮮花,謝謝你!
  • Thank you for your support/business!
  • 感謝你的支持/業務支持!
  • I am so grateful for all you do, I can't thank you enough.
  • 我對你所做的一切感激不盡。
  • Your hard work and diligence are an inspiration to everyone. You’re truly indispensable. Thank you!
  • 你的努力和勤奮對每個人都是一種鼓舞,你真的是不可或缺的,謝謝你!
  • Thank you for all you do!
  • 感謝你所做的一切!


此為香港GGB原創文 '送花祝福語| 如何寫鮮花禮物的心意卡留言 ' .
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blog written by: # Danielle Roberts (118)
Danielle Roberts, 編輯

來自加拿大的Danielle,是一位自由撰稿人和ESL老師,自2016年以来,她把香港稱為家。     > 更多...

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